Gilbert Pietryck

Gilbert Pietryck


Gilbert Pietryk attended secondary school at the Lycée Viette in Montbéliard. His “mathematics and techniques” baccalaureate undoubtedly explains his interest in very concrete activities (woodworking in particular). After three years of classes préparatoires at the Lycée Roosevelt in Reims, he entered the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris in the physics section and obtained the agrégation in physics and a doctorate in nuclear physics.

Gilbert Pietryk was a teacher in classes préparatoires for 11 years. Then, in 1987, he was given the responsibility of organizing and preparing the agrégations in physics and mathematics in Morocco.

From 1992 to 2016, Gilbert PIETRYK carried out the mission of Inspecteur General, within the physics-chemistry department to which he belonged, but also through numerous transverse missions : he was the academic correspondent for several recteurs, and assistant to the dean of the Inspection Générale. He also chaired the commission that drafted the specifications for teacher training in 2005.

In 2005, he was in charge of the follow-up of the plan for the remodeling of science and technology in primary schools, initiated by Georges CHARPAK.

Internationally, he has followed the physics and chemistry classes préparatoires in Morocco and Tunisia for about fifteen years, and then for five years the Franco-Chinese institutes created in China. Those experiences helped him have a closer look at different educational systems.

Gilbert Pietryk is member of AFLEC (Association Franco-Libanaise pour l’Education et la Culture) since 2008 and is its vice president in charge of pedagogy since 2017.